internal waste...


Formally Green 91
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compressor ref and housing are basicly teh same thing, fo rthat. manual boost controlers acan be used for internal and external, they can be homemade to but its easier just to buy one, im goign to get a triple stage one, so i can just hit a switch for pre set stages of boost

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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o ok....ehh i just want a cheap one to higher boost...i dont care how i just want it....since its not at 7 like i thought....can i just turn it up to 10 with a good tune.....


iTrader EVERYthing
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why dont u just change the spring inside the wastegate to whatever PSI you want to be running?


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sk8shorty017 said:
why dont u just change the spring inside the wastegate to whatever PSI you want to be running?
because a spring costs $15 and youre stuck with whatever psi it handles. a manual boost controller costs $15 and you can adjust it up to 3x the spring


iTrader EVERYthing
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eh, but typically your not going to be changing your boost daily / often at all. To me, a MBC just looks like a hassle to hook up, but either way...

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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how does that look confusing lol u just hook it between 2 lines......also i tried lookin for those springs? how do u change a internal wastegate spring??? where do u get another one at?


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Chaos said:
how does that look confusing lol u just hook it between 2 lines......also i tried lookin for those springs? how do u change a internal wastegate spring??? where do u get another one at?
hehe dont worry about it, just go the MBC route. I was just saying, imo Id just get a new spring, but im wierd.

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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i was thinkin about it....bc i prolly wont change the psi at all...i just dont know how the internal wastegate even works??


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Chaos said:
i was thinkin about it....bc i prolly wont change the psi at all...i just dont know how the internal wastegate even works??
an internal wastegate works off a spring, that when it senses a certain pressure of boost open's a gate, thus the term "wastegate", which in turns keeps you at a certain PSI, by not allowing any higher pressure levels to run through your system. So if you get a higher rated PSI spring, the more pressure / boost youll run.


iTrader EVERYthing
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10+ Year Member all depends on your specific wastegate, typically they just unbolt though.


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Chaos said:
o...i have no clue about wastegates lol.....
read up? its always good to be knowledgeable about everything on your car.


former PCM#3
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ESPECIALLY if you are going/gone turbo..

In an internal wastegated setup, one usually cannot "swap" springs in the diaphram, as it is sealed.. You can only A. bleed it off prior to the wategate diaphram B.) restrict what it sees via a type of "boost controller"...

I do see alot of misinformation here, when it comes to turbocharging and it's fundementals..

if your turbo is from a Saab, then its a tiny turbo to begin with.. with a .42 AR compressor side, and a decent .48 AR turbine side.. They make PSI but not much CFM..

If you're dead set on it, get a manual boost controller.. they can be had for a few dollars on ebay.. At the same time, get a boost gauge and an Air/Fuel gauge.. You have to stay on top of that s**t, else she go boom, and you go boo hoo..


Formally Green 91
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internal waste gate you cant change the spring, only external

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

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i thought so thats why i was wondering wtf they were talkin about lol....
