Such a joke of a product. Even the name is a joke, sounds like something a girl would buy for her period.
Did I mention they are now being sued over the name, because Fujitsu already had copyrighted and trademarked the name?
Just another product Apple fan boys will be buying but have no use for. Another product that Apple had brought out that forces users to use Apples store to buy games, books and videos.
With no flash support a user is now not able to go to a website that streams movies and tv shows for free (like Hulu) and is forced to use Apples iTunes store to buy the same shows they can watch LEGALLY for FREE. I'm sure this will be the major downfall for the iPad along with the fact that you have to use Apple iTunes store to download an eBook, it doesn't support the major file types that alot of other etailers use. All of these issues that again, will have to be either patched in or never brought in to make this product a complete flop for Apple. So much for that "It works right out of the box" attitude they and their fanboys always want you to think.