Holy crap...hella reples...aight here we go..........
hector said:
listen J. keep the car. save it for your kids. you known saying? lol..
haha, we'll see, but I don't want kids
42Steps said:
Spending a lot of money on something that you can't even drive at the moment makes you think crazy things....
nurevEKcivic00 said:
how many extra parts/mods did u have to do inorder for this to fit into the civic, also if u could list em that would be awesom thanks man
Again...I HAVE HAD THE H22 for like 3 years and have answered this question about 56245145626915 times since then. Clubek.net has a nice how to, go read that.
Genuine Rolla said:
That seriously made me lol.
JdmRice said:
this guys nuts must be hurtin from all u guys.
Don't be jealous
stealthy said:
mike, if you get rid of this anytime soon, its going to turn all of those gay rumors into a reality. haha jk but, i do understand completely what you are saying, but i also know you have ALOT of money invested, and you know, you more than likely will take a hit on that. so why not enjoy what you've started and atleast get your monies worth? just my 2 cents
lol. I feel you. like I said, it was "one of those days" where you just get so frustrated. I'm OK now, still gonna finish it, but looks like I'll be waiting at least 4 more months until it even comes out again
cole said:
gtfo people are just talking to him
hey if you sell your car your going to part it out right, if not i dont think youll get most of what you put into it, also i may want some stuff
And I would probably part it out, after trying it on eBay as a whole with a reserve for a ridiculous amount that I know no one would pay...lol
itsmycookie said:
man u know i really appreciate u building a motor for me. just send it and the turbo on over when ur done. kthxbai
buzzbombtom said:
wow mike way to stir the bees hive
but if you want out i understand, after i blew my b16 in my black coupe i nixed my honda modding days still have one but the urge to spend money on a car is gone. i have a place that i would like to furnish and a girfriend that needs food so i look at it as if i am growing up. i am really suprised that you hung in this long. and same with the wife too
haha thanks Tomas...I hear you. Like I said, I'll prolly finish it...but the thing that worries me is that I'll never stop modding it. i mean, as it is I can name at least 10 more things I would want lol. IT NEVER ENDS!!! And the modding bug...well, I'm always gonna have that...no matter what. I would just start out with an expensive car so i can't spend as much
Thanks again for all the replies...it seriously helps keep me going