Just recieved my Vision CF mirrors


Is Black Again??? :shock:
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oc_civic said:
very nice.. glad to see you shelled out the money for the real deal... A+ man..
i know your a fan of buying real equipment but i thought you only bought the real stuff because you want to have the insured perforemance ie: real ctr's healdights wont leak and real sir fogs wont chip yellow paint.

but i really dont understand the need for real mirrors. There is only but so much that can go wrong with mirrors.

edt: btw these new mirrors look pimp even if they arent powered or cheap


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BlackHope121 said:
i know your a fan of buying real equipment but i thought you only bought the real stuff because you want to have the insured perforemance ie: real ctr's healdights wont leak and real sir fogs wont chip yellow paint.

but i really dont understand the need for real mirrors. There is only but so much that can go wrong with mirrors.

edt: btw these new mirrors look pimp even if they arent powered or cheap
from another thread...
Silver-Shooter said:
don't be cheap, new oem dx non power mirrors cost about $260 from honda while ex/si mirrors cost about $350. $300 for cf, blue tinted spoon mirrors is a deal if you think about it. especially seeing as the the cheap knock offs cost about 50-100 bucks but they break when you touch/ adjust the f**king mirror and they fit like s**t.
