Keep blowing ECU fuse?


Twin Turbo
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
Ok guys, I just bought an 89 DX hatchback for $250. I stuck a fresh battery on it and it would hardly turn over. I checked the ecu fuse and it was blown. Replace it with a new one, tried it again. Blew that fuse too. Well, since it would hardly turn over, I took the starter off and had it tested. It was really weak, so I bought a new one. Well, it turns over good but it's blowing fuses. I don't know what the hell is going on. I checked the wires running to the ecu and they all seem good. Could my ecu be faulty? Btw, I searched and couldn't find anything.


New Member
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i know one of u on club civic has this problem u think it could be a wire or something?


New Member
5+ Year Member
either something is hard wired or there is a short some where in the wire harnus also try replaceing the altinator , and make shur you check the wiring going to that too , or you could have a bad ground some where


New Member
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5+ Year Member
u think the radio could do it? because the guy had a new radio put in and wires were everywhere?


undesputed slowhatch
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5+ Year Member
i can bet your problem is in the engine bay. check all grounds and check all wires to see if any are bare or broken. x2 on checking alternator,


5th gen owner
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ok this just happened to me its the radio i got one installed at best buy and when they installed it they said the car would not start, so i went in and checked my car all over i checked the fuses and the ecu fuse was blown,so the replaced it and it blew again and again and again so i asked if it was the radio they said no.I pushed out the car uninstall ed the radio and taped all the wires separate and replaced the fused and it started and the fuse did not blow, and also i got the radio for free, but it the wires in the radio din.:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D


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ok still didnt work we checked the ecu and theres a light on the ecu and its not coming on


undesputed slowhatch
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5+ Year Member
that light is for checking CEL codes. if you dont have any codes then the light wont come on
this is not always true. ive had check engine lights before and not had the little light come on. but the ecu was still good and is still running fine no problems


Twin Turbo
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10+ Year Member
I'm not sure what's going on. We had the alternator tested and it was good. Think it could be the distributor? That wouldn't cause it to blow the ecu fuse though, would it?
