Keeping cats off my f**king car


I had a Civic once.
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I saw a cat on my car once. I ran after it to scare it off, and it ran up a tree and got stuck for two days.

You could just do that? :what: :lol:


Mud, Blood, Beer
Registered VIP
I saw a cat on my car once. I ran after it to scare it off, and it ran up a tree and got stuck for two days.

You could just do that? :what: :lol:


#1 a*****e
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if they're strays you can catch them in live animal traps. they'll fit into the traps that fix groundhogs and racoons and such


Mud, Blood, Beer
Registered VIP
if they're strays you can catch them in live animal traps. they'll fit into the traps that fix groundhogs and racoons and such
I'm pretty sure they are stray, they run around like they are in some feral cat gang.


Mud, Blood, Beer
Registered VIP
yup, bullies by degenerate cats. at least they don't come into my yard though


assuming that the rule stands true...
If this^ is your stand, then it's time for you to run the test to verify. PM me your address, and I'll send you some of my solid matter. Fry it up and serve to your friends in a blind taste test. Let me know how it turns out.


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As an animal lover, this thread is very disturbing to me. I hope most of you are joking...

Buy bitter apple spray. It's most commonly used as a cat scratching deterrent. The cat gets it on their paws, and doesn't like it, so they go to clean it only to get a nasty taste in their mouth. It's very effective in stopping cats from scratching things. I've never heard of somebody using it on their car, but it might work? I'd try spraying it somewhere that isn't highly visible first to make sure that it doesn't do anything to the clear coat.

Other than that, get a cheap car cover. You said "On a DD??," like it wasn't worth it for you to cover your car. If you're worried about cat pawprints / scratches, it's obvious that you care about your paint / clearcoat, so suck it up and get a cheap cover. If putting the cover on will be too much hassle, you can get a painter's canvas dropcloth which should slide on and off easily. It won't do a thing for rain, but if you're just looking to put a barrier between the cat and your car, this should do the trick, and should be easy to toss over your car / slide off:!


Mud, Blood, Beer
Registered VIP
As an animal lover, this thread is very disturbing to me. I hope most of you are joking...

Buy bitter apple spray. It's most commonly used as a cat scratching deterrent. The cat gets it on their paws, and doesn't like it, so they go to clean it only to get a nasty taste in their mouth. It's very effective in stopping cats from scratching things. I've never heard of somebody using it on their car, but it might work? I'd try spraying it somewhere that isn't highly visible first to make sure that it doesn't do anything to the clear coat.

Other than that, get a cheap car cover. You said "On a DD??," like it wasn't worth it for you to cover your car. If you're worried about cat pawprints / scratches, it's obvious that you care about your paint / clearcoat, so suck it up and get a cheap cover. If putting the cover on will be too much hassle, you can get a painter's canvas dropcloth which should slide on and off easily. It won't do a thing for rain, but if you're just looking to put a barrier between the cat and your car, this should do the trick, and should be easy to toss over your car / slide off:!
I love animals too, i just consider cats demon spawn rather than animals though lol.

Maybe use that spray in a perimeter of my car, or just carpet bomb the whole area with it....


In my backyard, there's a squirrel that is chewing the bark off my oak tree. I may try sprinkling some red pepper or Tabasco sauce on the tree. But if this doesn't help, I may have to take the squirrel's life.


Hmmm...Wearing my squirrel outfit while driving my stock Civic ---> Everyone will want to be me.

And I won't have to murder any squirrels to make my squirrel pelt garments because in the spring, dead squirrels litter the roads. I'll just keep a shovel in my trunk to scrape the carcasses off the highway.


Mud, Blood, Beer
Registered VIP
you could skin them right then and there and just use the antenna to tan the hide


That's an excellent idea. I'll also put an Hibachi grill in my trunk, just in case the meat is fresh. Waste not, want not.
