Laws Against Nitrous?

Gorilla Unit 33

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anyone know the laws against having nitrous in your car,specifically in the state of PA? ive been debating a spray bar for a while now and just want to know what i may be against if i do get caught on the road with it.


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The law states that if you spray you're gay :pimp: if you spool you're cool :cool:


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You could use co2
Since there are no laws that i know off for that, and you might even be able to put no2 into the co2 bottle.
I dunno. i have been thinking about getting the co2 bar for mine aswell. since they claim that it can add up to 20+ hp


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nitrous is only illegal on the street in pa if used for racing.

But most cops are stupid, if they see a bottle they would assume its for racing. In PA, you basically just need to have it disconnected.


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fiberglass some stuff up, make it look like its just part of the interior panels.


Spoolin single cam!
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I agree, if they are decent speakers, they should be at least 15lbs a piece (assuming you have 2)
point im trying to make is why gut to save weight, only to add more than you took out? pointless...


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Isn't everyone saying to remove the sub? Thats the point I was trying to make, not to put in a better system


Stickin it to the Man
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thats how it is in cali and arizona too
