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Originally posted by "SickCiViC"

GREAT car dawg! you should run for featured ride. the car is excellent, what can it hurt? :D

welcome to clubcivic!

i think i have to agree with this... very smooth ride


It be me, Sammo
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Oo ...sweet car dude.... :headbang:


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Originally posted by "civicjoe8"

Nice ride dude...how much did you pay for your CF hood?
Its a Fiber Images hood and it cost 475 from Diablo autosports. Unfortunately, from last I heard, they went out of business. thats sucks be cause everything I have on the car, I bought from them.

Originally posted by "imazn"

man i never did how to launch with the supercharger on. i needed more time to get use to it but i had to take it off and sell the car =P i never got use to how it suddenly boosts when im making a hard turn and scares the s**t out of me. also when you switch lanes and you step on the throttle too hard and it boosts to the next lane and a car is right there, man that's no fun. just some minor things that i didnt get use to quite yet.
Yeah. It actually took me some time to get use to the throttle too. Revv too high and the tires start burning, rev too low and you watse the power. I'm still not great at it yet.

Originally posted by "SickCiViC"

GREAT car dawg! you should run for featured ride. the car is excellent, what can it hurt?

welcome to clubcivic!
Thanks for the warm welcome. i think I will try to run for it but there are some great cars there. I guess it won't hurt though. It feels good to be part of a board that about cars and not just civics like so many out there. Thanks again for all the kind replys.
