Let's ponder... In the deep blue ocean! *NWS*


Rubbin on yo booty
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Very few animals can, the pressure down there is immense and since their bodies are meant for that pressure, coming to the top would definitely cause death.

At just 885 feet below the waters surface, the pressure is 355 pounds per squad inch. At this depth, a humans rib cage has collapsed on itself.
Wow, I knew the pressure was a lot down there but damn... Why is the pressure so strong down there anyways? Is it the actually water being heavy itself or is it like some magical thing that the scientists haven't found out yet?

:lol: damn!

:rolf: :word:

I know i have!
I'm fixing to head home and go reefing, then watch DISC/HIST channel all day!


captin sleep0
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tonee its the water itself that weights a lot, stack 10 gallons on top of each other on your chest, see how that feels, then go and do 20, its pretty impressive. now true its on land so the gravity will effect it a bit more but, even if you take into account the amount of buoyancy that the ocean provides, that water is still on top of you, it weights a bit less so it takes more to crush but there is a limit. your ears are a super thin membrane that usually is the first to go due to pressure. there are many sea dwelling creatures that go top to bottom, for example the sperm whale goes down to great depths, as well as the giant squid, researchers believe that is where the great squid live, but from time to time they seem to surface when ill. most of the "deep sea" beasts make their way to the shallows when they are about to die. to survive at great depths the animals have to lack a skeleton, therefore when surfacing they have no body ridgity and can not typically breath, or swim as their body was not designed to move with such low pressure. we have probes that dive to the bottom of the ocean every year that find new sea life every time. there is a lot of "empty" space however, its usually the cracks or canyons that attract the really cool stuff. montery bay is a great example of that, i believe that there is more bio diversity there than the water around it(there is a huge canyon there). hell even in the shallow water we are still finding new fish all the time, there is a pygmy sea horse that looks just like the coral polyps it attaches to, making it near impossible to spot without a macro lens. hell there are new fish found almost every week/month on reefs alone!


New Member
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Never really thought about the fact that they can't swim up to the top do to different amounts of pressures. Good stuff :thumbup:


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there are probably fish down there... thats just a guess...


Rubbin on yo booty
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Do you guys think mermaids exist somewhere out there?

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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I f**ked one last night in my flippy floppies.


names Brenton
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along with pressure there is also light. I'm not too sure what effects this would play on a creature... but being so far below surface some animals have invisible bodies. They have no reason to have a type of skin pigmentation like we do. So I would imagine that coming further up would cause problems.

Also there would be heat issues. Whats the temperature on the bottom of the ocean compared to the top?


Rubbin on yo booty
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Man, there's got to be something down there... I mean if people lived and adapted to land, I'm sure someone or something could've lived and adapted to the water. There's got to be something down there!

Like have you guys seen The Land Before Time? That little Dinosaur movie? Like how the Earth was drying up and s**t was dying and then they went to the valley where there was like fresh greens. I'm sure there's like a whole new world down there that we just don't know about and not people are trying!


Rubbin on yo booty
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Haha naw I'm at work foooo!
