Looking at Del Sol. Need opinions


Trollin in the Deep
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
Before this goes any further off topic. I'd like to add that KBB is a estimating tool and by no means always accurate. Car values will vary by location, first of all. Secondly, I theorize they estimate car values based on recorded sale prices and some other tool Im not aware of that estimates depreciation. The reason I guess that is because In South Florida, Civic value is way more than listed on KBB but alot of people down there sell their Civics for more than whats listed on the bill of sales for the sake of reducing the taxes paid when titling and registering the vehicles. Again, these are examples.

Now back to the thread topic. @stcopley , hows this Del Sol doing? Lets see some pics of what you're working with now.
I bought the civic that I posted later in the thread

