looking for quick acceleration for my 97CX


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hi guys i just wanna know what kind of upgrades would help to have quick acceleration..im not really into the top speed thing..



The East Coast Kid
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if you really want to accelerate faster go with i/h/e, and get a new lighter flywheel and a new clutch. that is the best bang for the buck combo, but youre gonna get people in here telling you *spoken in an annoying little kids voice* ...."get some NOS".... "no, get a turbo kit".....now if you have the cash for those, great, but you need i/h/e and the clutch flywheel combo to run either of the other two correctly. oh yea, in case you didnt know i/h/e means intake, header, exhaust


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yea sounds really reasonable..i already have some mod on the engine..thnx man

pics===> cnrscivic.4t.com


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any recommendation on header/flywheel/cluth??


Runnin to Redline
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push the gas harder...hahaha....I/H/E clutch, flywheel etc..and if you really want you could run N20


JDM yo!
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get a new engine.... B18c1 or c5.....=) but u could always get NOS lol j/k


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Originally posted by b16asi226
if you really want to accelerate faster go with i/h/e, and get a new lighter flywheel and a new clutch. that is the best bang for the buck combo, but youre gonna get people in here telling you *spoken in an annoying little kids voice* ...."get some NOS".... "no, get a turbo kit".....now if you have the cash for those, great, but you need i/h/e and the clutch flywheel combo to run either of the other two correctly. oh yea, in case you didnt know i/h/e means intake, header, exhaust
holy crap are you a moron... you need NONE of those for a turbo kit. please show me a turbo with a cai and header, id really really like to see one. except for exhaust, but if you get an n/a exhaust it will suck with your turbo. and its nitrous dumbass. and neither a clutch nor a flywheel will make your car much, if any faster. all they do is allow you to put the power you have to the ground without slippage. you'll need a much stronger clutch to handle boost than a stock n/a motor. can you please not dispense this crap as information, theres enough bullshit floating around this board without you adding more of it.


Yea, i know its slow D15
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actually your the dumbass handlebarsfsr, as a new lightnend flywheel can shave up to 1/2 second off your time. So you can do your research before you post


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Originally posted by Mxpx182lit
actually your the dumbass handlebarsfsr, as a new lightnend flywheel can shave up to 1/2 second off your time. So you can do your research before you post
I think you should be the one who should research before you post. If you did, you would realize handlebars is a mod and calling mods dumbasses ususally isnt the smartest thing.

Bangin' HB

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prolly one of the easiest things is swap out that cx trans with an ex trans. the closer gearing will help with that accel, and dont gotta worry bout top speed. dont think any engine mod short of forced induction will help with a cx


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Originally posted by Mxpx182lit
actually your the dumbass handlebarsfsr, as a new lightnend flywheel can shave up to 1/2 second off your time. So you can do your research before you post
show me slips, a lighter flywheel adds no hp (that ive seen, if it does, the amount is menial) so how exactly does it reduce 1/4 mile times? and watch who your calling dumbass noob


Acne Records Rep.
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Lightened flywheels may make a dyno show more, but that's about it. They're bad for driveability. The purpose of a flywheel is to store the kinetic energy of the engine to transfer it to the clutch when the clutch pedal is released. The lighter the flywheel, the more you're going to need to slip the clutch since the kinetic energy is actually stored within the weight of the flywheel. But it is harder to put that kinetic energy into a heavier flywheel since the motor needs to first make it begin to spin. Thus, lighter flywheels make your car rev easier, but when releasing the clutch pedal the motor will also lose revs faster. Once the clutch and flywheel are solidly engaged (pedal is disengaged), the only difference that a lightened flywheel makes on a flat surface is weight-savings. However, going up hills, since the motor will be turning the transmission without the help of as much centripital force (remember, the lightened flywheel takes less energy to turn, but at the same time stores less energy) it will be necessary to keep your revs higher and downshift more often.

What I'm trying to say is that since the motor has less weight to turn, the motor will most likely dyno higher, but in real world applications, the result is the exact opposite.


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not to mention it makes launching the car very difficult, you have to launch at a much higher rpm and the car will still usually bog unless you are perfect with clutch modulation.


Acne Records Rep.
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True. In the hands of a professional driver, I guess a lightened flywheel would be a good thing, but the average driver is just going to struggle with it.

Rick James

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Originally posted by Mxpx182lit
actually your the dumbass handlebarsfsr, as a new lightnend flywheel can shave up to 1/2 second off your time. So you can do your research before you post
o s**t you shouldnt be saying that s**t to a mod. He is a mod cause he knows his s**t and is here for a reason :banhim:


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yeah handlebarsfsr know his s**t. also, it's NO2, not N2O. if you remember from chem class, nitrogen has openings for 2 more atoms while oxygen has room for one. soooo, two oxygens for one nitrogen. which is why nitrous oxide works, because it is an oxygenator.


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Originally posted by eminemslm0
o s**t you shouldnt be saying that s**t to a mod. He is a mod cause he knows his s**t and is here for a reason :banhim:
im not gonna ban someone cus they piss me off, thats not my job. im not the thought police or the attitude police. i ban people cus they break the rules, and thats about it.


Yea, i know its slow D15
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The are no negative effects to lightening your stock flywheel unlike replacing it with an ultra-lightweight Aluminum flywheel. Most manufacturers make the stock flywheel very heavy. This makes the engine very smooth and enables it to retain energy at part throttle cruise and up long grades for better fuel economy.

An Aluminum flywheel goes completely the other direction with almost no weight. This lets the engine rev up very quickly and allows the engine to work easier due to the reduced weight spinning around on the back of the crank. This is fine as long as you are at full throttle and wide open throttle all the time like in a Road Race or Drag Race only car. As soon as you let off the gas the engine RPM drops instantly and the car slows down. In a road car this causes surging and bucking at cruise speeds and poor driveability and clutch engagement.

A lightened stock unit on the other hand gives you the best of both worlds. It is a compromise between the overly heavy OEM unit and a Too light Racing unit. You get the benefits of both with none of the bad qualities.

Turbo cars are exceptionally critical to flywheel weight. Too light a flywheel will make the car rev faster and possibly come on boost faster but that is only half the issue. When you let off the gas to shift the car will drop off of boost just as quickly causing a poor transition when you come back on the throttle.


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you have got to be joking me.. you want to lighten a stock flywheel on a car with more hp.. do you have any concept of weakening or of heat dissipation? you go ahead and lighten your stock unit. oh and by the way, nice cut and paste of someone elses article w./o giving them credit


Yea, i know its slow D15
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and FYI i am sorry for talking s**t. I realize i shouldnt do that to anyone, much less a mod. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, and it was not right for me to infringe upon that. I hope you will accept my apology handlebarsfsr.
