Machine shop to line hone cam caps?


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Hey guys need your help. I live in Utah, and in the whole state theres not ONE shop that can line hone cam caps on a GSR head. Long story short, I had my GSR head fully built, but when i got it back the cam caps were missing. Shop says they were sent with the caps, so i got some from my old GSR and need to have them line honed, but no one in the state can do it. Is there anywhere you guys know somewhere in your state that can do it, and is reputable? I'd like to keep it as close to UT as possible, because i have to freight ship the head and it'll be more expensive the farthern out i send it. Please! Need this ASAP. PM me if you have a number or just reply back. Thanks! :D


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I don't know where to put this so I'm moving this to the off topic.


names Brenton
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sounds like an engine tech question to me.. but might get more hits here.

but im no help.. im not sure what your talking about
