when you race with an auto car it shifts around 3300 rpms but with a manual car you shift it when ever you want
you can shift whenever you want with an EG automatic. PS, in second gear normal throttle it shifts a little past 4000 and at WOT throttle, all the shift points are higher than 3300.
sooo...you dont just leave it in d4 all the time? you actually shift the auto???
i actually shift, almost all the time. its become a habit.
doesnt that f**k it up at all? my friends bro did that with an olds alero, f**ked it up after a while...
no it doesn't. no it didnt. my brother is an auto trans specialist.
no you cant shift with an auto it automatically shifts it for you
you must be one of the smart ones. have you ever even sat in an automatic and looked down at the console?
mileage and price...manuals have better mpg and are cheaper off the lot.
if your a racing enthusiant, youll want a manual for control.
you have close to full control with an EG automatic.
if you dont care about racing (like me when i bought my car), id get an automatic...
false. I know of a couple of racers that prefer auto. and I know a lot of pro drag racers (not personally) run auto, many of them 3 speeds!
and when does a manula "disobey" you, it does everything you tell it to...
I didn't say a manual disobeys you. reread a post carefully before you respond.
"everything you tell it to". do me a favor, put on your seat belt, get on the freeway, get up to about 7800 RPM, then downshift. f**k it, skip a gear and downshift twice. let the clutch out nice and fast. happy birthday.
Are you looking in a mirror? hmm. I have a BA. Do you have a highschool diploma yet?
Name calling accomplishes one thing. I proves that you are wrong.
you have so much more control over your car when your car is manual
what control do you have with a manual that you dont have with an EG automatic? the control of putting the clutch in? because as we all know, the EG gives you control over all its four gears.
you can shift almost as fast as an auto with a quick shifter and some practice
you can never ever ever even shift nearly as fast as an automatic. not even a pro racer can. not even fast enough to be on the same time scale. the only thing limiting the speed of a gear shift in an automatic is the ignition timing retard at WOT. from the factory, automatics come with a huge delay between when you actually shift the console and when the trans shifts. that can be removed. but the time it takes for the shift to actually occur even from the factory is basically null.
my homie in high school had a 95 lx auto ... and no offense to anyone else with a 5th gen 4 door dx/lx but with the auto it was slow as f**k!
my homie had a lot of things. i dont make generalizations based on that. there's a lot of things about a car that can make it slower than a similar car. my hatch when I picked it up had SAE 30 oil in it. it had the wrong spark plugs and a dirty air filter. it was SLOW, even for a 1.5. Now its fast for a 1.5.
an automatic will have some power drain in the mid high to high RPM, but that has been minimized by the use of a lock up converter. you can take your automatic to have the torque converter hooked up and then there is almost no difference.
those are rated at 115hp and i could smoke him with my manual tranny 91 4 door which probably pushes just under 100 hp.
do you make a habit of judging a car's quickness by max horsepower ratings?
Damn shaundrake, your 24 and dont know how to drive a manual. Your a tool.
umm, yes I do. who told you that? I've driven both extensively and made my choice. nice assumption buddy.
whining about stalling on a hill and panic braking???
Whining over the internet? That's an interesting idea. I think youre getting a little carried away with the imagination buddy. I never said *I* do that. I probably did while I was learning. 99% of the drivers on the roads are not fit to be driving IMO.
You must drive your eg automatic with both feet, like a freakin grandpa. SLOW AS HELL!!!!!!!
Use one foot when yu drive. stupid
hell yeah I use both feet. sometimes in a turn I will even have both pedals down. how is that slow? *IM stupid? ha ha.
you want to smoke and talk on your cell..?
did I say that I do that? I don't even own a cell phone. I dont even smoke. do I have to hold your hand and walk you through this stuff, people? what ever happened to READING COMPREHENSION?
first, your civic auto has FOUR gears. my manual tranny has five
Finally someone hit this one! sad that you're the ONLY one!
that means my gears are shorter and much sportier than yours will ever be......
there's actually not THAT much of a difference. yeah they're closer, but the real advantage to a 5 speed is that you get 2 overdriven gears. that's an advantage for gas mileage. I have a question for you. Do you participate in a type of racing where you actually use your 5th gear? do you autocross? in autocross you'll probably get to third gear at the highest.
where my manual drivetrain has a 14% power loss due to inefficency, your auto is over 20%.......
About a 6% difference. So basically what you're saying is I need to get an alternator underdrive pulley, convert to manual steering, or get an electric water pump. Things that most people never do that I can do to make up the difference.
an automatic tranny is completely computer controlled
this is a good thing. they used to be hydraulic.
fine you can shift the lever up and down, but all that does is abuse your slushbox...
how so?
"slush box" is a term used for the early automatics and really has no place for the modern automatic.
for f**ks sake dont ever say an auto is better than a manual ever again.....
"for f**ks sake" is one of my favorite phrases.
Team 4R, thank you for restoring hope. You are the first and only educated respondent.
No one mentioned the stall speed. I'll take care of it for you. Automatics are limited to a certain (sadly low) RPM for launching. With your foot on the brake, and the throttle pressed to the floor, you RPM will go to about 2200 RPM. That's all you need on stock tires/suspension, but its a bit limiting for serious use. With a high stall converter, you can bring this up some, but never high enough to match a manual transaxle.
Peace you punk bitches, none of you "own" me. No one could ever "own" me over an internet messageboard. That would have to be done in person, at the track, two cars in the same class. Who's got a NA 1.5 in southern california? Give me a few more months (I JUST GOT THIS CAR). I guarantee my way of thinking will own your ass.