My Boosted 00 Si here in Germany


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what side of the road do they drive on in germany?


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the right :D


Exit Speed Garage
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nice, but I dont like the paint on your hood...have fun in germany


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Shipping the car over was pretty easy, it only to about 6 weeks i think. And not to much paperwork as long as the car doesnt get f**ked up in shipping. And as far as inspection, US military are exempt from the strict laws and inspection the germans have to go by. They just do a general safety inspection, still pretty strict though, and bolt missing, if your exhuast is leaking, funny thing CATs arent required, but even though they have these laws for the germans these guys still find a way to mod there cars. I been to 3 races, pretty big ones too, German Races Wars in September, and Bitburg race track twice, Also Nurnburing isnt to far away either.


ScAre CrOw
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Eg_Project said:
clean ride....i like what you did to the hood
yeah i was thinking the same thing. your car looks really nice.. is the hood CF?? i did the to mine last year but it was CF.. after some people hating and what not the hood looks pretty shitty.. someone slung a glass bottle and messed it up.. and someone put a brick through my window and it landed on the hood.. good luck with yours..


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Yeah its a CF hood. I got the idea to paint it and found a car that had the same paint style to my painter and he did a decent job. So far so good havent had the bad luck you have had, Theres about 4 coats of clear on the hood so it should be well protected. I think once i have the car repainted i am going to have the hole hood just painted white though.
