My EK3 97'


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5+ Year Member
Just a little update, got my camberkits today.

So when the spring comes again, the car will be lowered.


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
you should wash it;)
and find out the slamming issue


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5+ Year Member
I know I should wash the car, but it dosent matter right now with the weather we have in Denmark. ;)

I hope the slamming issue will be solved by putting on my camberkits, but I will first lower the car when the winter is over.

So there will be new pics in the spring, and I will hopefully at that time got new taillights, paintet the trims and doorhandles and maybe some more.


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5+ Year Member
I rather not do that, then the fenders needs new paint.

I think the problem is the wrong offset and too wide tires.

But i hope the camberkits will help..


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
ummmm if im not mistaken cambers really just keep ur tires straight so when ur slammed there not angled..cause if they are u'll burn through tries like crazy.. i dont think they will solve ur prob, but ur going to need them any way when u do slam it


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5+ Year Member
A little sad update.

I was driving home from work, and stopped for redlight. There where a car behind me, and it had been there for about 1min, and suddenly he hit into me. Dont know what happend for him since he already was stopped.

But here is the pics:


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
that sux bro, same thing happened to me, but my bumper just has scratches, and fukin sags :/
But ive seen worse, what was the car that hit u?


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Ye that sux, its the 2nd time I tries this, first time where in my old Civic.

It was a VW Golf, if you look close you can see the VW logo in the paint.

But in a way its nice, because my bumper had 2 wierd dents, and now im getting a new bumper for free ;)


Fujiwara's Tofu Shop
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
lucky, guy that hit me ran, cops never found him, cause all i got was 6 digits off his plates and the car ake model and year


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5+ Year Member
So, here are some new updates for my car. And some nice ones ;)

I know the pics arent that good, they are from my cell.

Got some new Spoon mirrors.

Just picked up some new rims, and tinted my rear windows.

New red clothing

DC2 rearseat.

CTR shiftboot, and my headunit moved.

EK4 rearlights, and the viper removed. (I know it was very dirty that day)

I know its sitting very high, im gonna lower it soon when i got a weekend off for it.


New Member
5+ Year Member
hey man im really digging your ride!

and hey, remember its your car! dont change things the haters here say just to please them! we all have different tastes, personally i really liked the halos and the rear tails u had.

anyway man keep up the good work.


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5+ Year Member
Thanks ;)

But the halos and the taillights was on the car when I bought it, and i never really liked them. Im just looking forward to lower it now =)
