Clean. I dunno. Some kits look nice! I've been thgrough 3 lips and I prefere my BC2 kit lol.
dude, dont lose your temper b/c noone else was on your inside joke... this is a FORUM, thus people READ your posts....bizoneoeh said:Ok, for you f**ks that have to give my first post any thought... I don't know why you fags would even give a f**k about what I post anyway
lol, I don't loose my temper over stupid s**t like this lil boy. That's just the way I f**kin talk read your post over again and again and again.....Mugenkid18 said:dude, dont lose your temper b/c noone else was on your inside joke... this is a FORUM, thus people READ your posts....
when you post pics of your ride on a forum its understood that you are going to get opinions and suggestions... noone is commanding him to do anything to his car.
BlackHope121 said:looks good... lets get a black and silver theme going. What do you think.. black lips skirts mirrors hood. black rims
im not partial to silver and unpainted black, i think it looks lazy, like you just didnt feel like painting it. its a good idea to get a little contrast in there but im thinking it should be done with CF, some graphite or black wheels would set it off like you saidBlackHope121 said:looks good... lets get a black and silver theme going. What do you think.. black lips skirts mirrors hood. black rims
you have to see the potential in it thoJezek said:looks....typical
I agree with jezek....typical, but paint the rims black, it would help the look, or just get new ones .Jezek said:looks....typical
lol weeeeeerdoc_civic said:yes.. maybe you could take some normal pictures next time?