Here it is, all fixed up from my Bridge accident. and with a few extras in it.
I bought a dell 600m and made a mounting jig for it under the driver seat, i used a USB wifi adapter that i bought an extension cable, and routed the cable though the panels and into the back window, it is currently stuck to the rear window with a peice of velcro.civicracing98 said:whats your setup for accessing the internet and windows through your 7 in. in dash?
hehe, thanks, i put mine smack dab in the middle, figured it would look a lil cleanerxXDJSideOneXx said:you almost did the same thing as me....
i like it
hehe, yea, thats a tsunami lip, Steve over there hates it. lol. but yea, those are just painted. and i've signed in there MANY MANY times, just about everyone should know me by now. and i've tried to start like 4 meets but none of them suceeded. o well.BlackHope121 said:nice... .tsunami lip? i like your calipers, are they spoon, painted blue? if you painted them lets see some more pics. O and be sure to visit the north east section and sign in, in the ny nj thread
I'm still wondering about that too, and i kinda cracked the middle console armrest's lower section, the dealer does'nt have one that matches my colour. i resorted to Plastic Welding. lol, and actually, the front lip is on really tight, i just screwed up with the glue, it's kinda squished out at the top, i did'nt wanna try to wipe it fearing it would just go all over the place, it looks better in person. as for the interior, i used to same paint i painted the outside stuff with to paint the inside stuff. i love it, i hate having the all black interior, so BLAH.steve98ex said:oh, anybody else notice his interior is black? only civic i've ever seen with that
the rest of what?, lol. i have my car from just about every angle on here already. lolNoeladams said:I like how the computer is, lets see the rest of it