So now that it finally snowed here I garaged the hatch and started a mini tuck. Not a whole lot to see. I spent almost two hours figuring out the best way to tuck the ballasts so my relay harness would reach without any mods for now. Started on one part of the harness, didn't tuck it because the tubing got ripped and for some strange reason I don't have any electrical tape lol While I do more tucking I'm also replacing my driver side axel due to torn boot and also the brake master cylinder so there's no more leak! I will be posting pics as I go along because I rock and want a pretty sweet thread to kept yall entertained!
This is more or less what it looked like to start minus the two obvious harnesses disco'd
I started with and easy guy to tuck and removed a couple of brackets, but tor the tube so it's just chillin out!
A close up of some clutter
Had to remove the windshield reservoir a few times and rerun the tube and harness for the motor
A picture with the headlight in place to check clearances
Passenger side
And how it sits as of now