Stock color... purple... technical name is Dark Amethyst Pearl Clearcoat. The pictures don't do it justice. Purple is actually my favorite color to have on a car, so I lucked out.What color is that? Not a stock color is it? It looks kool.
For now, I like the wings and everything... one of these days when I'm older and ready to build the car for speed, I will go back to stock look. And I like the rims as they are right now.get rid of the mid-wing (top one can stay, lookslike CTR replica)
new rims (those are kinda whack)
if your gonna get teh BC front bumper, i guess the sides/rear can stay, otherwise back to stock those should go
and all the ice stuff is actually kind of cool, if not you could sell it to make money for parts lol
Everything except the screen is going to be sold by this time next week... I've got MUCH better stuff sitting around the house waiting to be installed 8) ... I just need a little time off from work, so I have time to take the interior apart and rewire everything.