Here's some old pix I found last nite. Just random. This is a small dip in the barrel of what I've had my hands on over the years. Don't laugh.. some of the cars are horrible. lol. 8)
78 320i Bimmer
88 325 Bimmer
Mid 80s S-10 Blazers (this was when these were cool for some reason, everyone would fill the backs with speakers, not sure if it was cool everywhere but, it was the s**t in my city for some reason. )
89 Escort GT (this one's laughable What's worse is there were 4 12" subs in the back of it.)
77 Porsche 924
67 Nova
Some pix of my 53 while it was a work in progress (which by the way is back up on jackstands.... swappin the old six for a 283. )
78 320i Bimmer
88 325 Bimmer
Mid 80s S-10 Blazers (this was when these were cool for some reason, everyone would fill the backs with speakers, not sure if it was cool everywhere but, it was the s**t in my city for some reason. )
89 Escort GT (this one's laughable What's worse is there were 4 12" subs in the back of it.)
77 Porsche 924
67 Nova
Some pix of my 53 while it was a work in progress (which by the way is back up on jackstands.... swappin the old six for a 283. )