My purple hatch..


caca poopoo
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like bam says, "pink is punk rock"
i like it man....


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i cant answer for the people who say they wouldnt feel compfortable driving it, but i personally would not feel comfortable driving it because of the colors, im just simply not a fan of purple and pink. For instance, i drove my friends 03 black lancer and it has hoodscoops, for that exact reason i did not feel comfortable driving the car even though i like black cars.


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RiPPiN_iT said:
i cant answer for the people who say they wouldnt feel compfortable driving it, but i personally would not feel comfortable driving it because of the colors, im just simply not a fan of purple and pink. For instance, i drove my friends 03 black lancer and it has hoodscoops, for that exact reason i did not feel comfortable driving the car even though i like black cars.
and im pretty sure most of the other people are gonna have the same response as you....they probbly just dont like those colors, or wouldnt feel comfortable driving around in those colors...


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I'm really digging the pink rims. They are sick! =)


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Rand0m said:
and im pretty sure most of the other people are gonna have the same response as you....they probbly just dont like those colors, or wouldnt feel comfortable driving around in those colors...
They might not like the colors... but that doesn't explain why it would make them uncomfortable driving the car.

I wouldn't want to own a yellow car or an orange car. But I won't feel uncomfortable driving a car like that.

I can think of three cars I've felt uncomfortable driving.

One was the latesy generation Eclipse. I went for a test drive in one. I think the fastest I got it on the highway was around 40mph. I have a reason for not feeling comfortable though. It's not that I just didn't like it... honestly, I didn't like the styling before that either, but styling doesn't make me feel uncomfortable driving unless it somehow directly affects the way I can drive. The problem I had with the Eclipse was that the steering responce seemed so touchy, that it felt like at higher speeds it would launch you off the side of the road with just a minor steering adjustment.

Another car I felt uncomfortable in was a white '82-'96 Sentra coupe (yep, first gen Sentra). I got in and turned the car on. It shuddered to a start. I drove it over to wash it up and right as I was pulling into the wash bay the car turned off. I must have stalled it. How embarassing. So I start it back up and pull it into the bay. I clean it up for sale (I think they bought it for about $100 - I also think they were ripped off). I got it cleaned up and started driving up the hill to the vacuums. As I was going up the hill it cut off again and then slowly rolled backwards before I stepped on the brake. I was on the excelerator that time... My boss ended up driving it over to the customer because I didn't want to risk hitting another car if it cut off again. The car cut off a few times while he was driving it too (I think twice to get it next door to sales). Basically the car was a rolling death trap. So I felt unsafe in the car (as in the other), thereby making me uncomfortable.

I've also found I feel uncomfortable in trucks with huge lifts (you know, the kind where you need an extra step to heave yourself up into the truck). It's a visibility issue there though. I can't see around the car very easily or directly in front of me. Plus I feel bad because I know the lights are shining right into people's faces.

So those are some examples of what I mean when I ask why the car might make a person feel uncomfortable. If wearing a shirt or driving a car of a certain color makes you uncomfortable, why?


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i guess its all relative....the hundreds of thousands of eclipse owners probbly wondering why you felt unfomfortable....or the loads of people who drive POS cars who stall on them -- they are used to it, might not make them uncomfortable (probbly mad they got a crappy car though :lol: )....and the billion rednecks down here who own lifted trucks probbly feel right at home with their headlights directly in my rear view mirror.....

different strokes for different foke's....some people (especially dudes) feel emasculated by "girlish" colors.....the same guys that wouldnt be caught dead in a pink shirt, probbly arent in a hurry to drive around in a purple car with bright pink wheels......some people feel uncomfortable when religion gets brought up randomly at a work place - some dont....some feel uncomfortable in lifted trucks - some dont....some are ok with pink - some arent.....


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you cant answer for why you feel uncomfortable driving a car, you just do, its a feeling..and NOFX - even though they may not have a reason for why they do, you just happen to have a distinct reason, which is "unsafe"


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so today I got bored and ran over to the junk yard to see if I could find anything.....and I picked up an EX cluster super clean for 65 bucks...

oh and a clean side shot of the wheels

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

Scamming Piece Of s**t
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paint the pink part black and it will be badass for a guy is a lil weird....other than that sexy ride man...


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NOFX said:
For the people who say they couldn't drive/own such a car, why?
I just dont like the colors personally.. but apparently he likes them so :what:

I also am not one who needs attention from people nor would I feel emasculated by driving a car with that color scheme (no offense OP)..


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I was thinkni of repainting my civic purple...haha. but i love it, its hot. and loving the rims. *thumbs up*
