my stuffs wack


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guess what, its running like a champ now. turns out it was the knock sensor box that i kept leaving checked on each bin i burned to a chip. im on a p28 ecu, which doesn't have a knock sensor so it was giving me a cel and putting me in limp mode. i burned one without the knock sensor box checked and she fired right up, and pulls pretty good on 4psi. what kind of bin would i need to make if i turned the boost up to 6psi? would i just use the same one i'm using now?

TiiM iiS l3eAsT

Scamming Piece Of s**t
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4 psi? what r u doin that low?


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Chaos said:
4 psi? what r u doin that low?
haha yeah i know. well my wastegate spring is a 4psi one, and i dont think my boost controller is working.. i tried turning it up, but it wouldn't go.. i might have it hooked up wrong, i'll check tomarrow
