still got the stock front bumper?
wanna sell it? lol
Sorry man.. didnt keep it....
R3dlineCivic99 -> Yeah.. hood are painted.. trunk was passed over from a friend that was originaly black..
dank24 -> Hei tnx.. im glad u like it.
SilverEXCoupe -> well tnx for the comments.. stikers are mostly sponsers and car club stickers.. well everyone have their own taste.. ^^
Blazed ->tnx.. glad u like them... btw.. my tails are rice o.0 ??? i actualy feels that it makes my car looks newer...
vid_man ->tnx man.. happy that u like them appriciate ur comments.......
mylovehx ->tnx man.. it would looks better if its new... it have some cratches on it.. but ity still looks great..
deemee -> well dude... im a rice fan.. well everyone have their own taste... even my ride is rice there are still some people who like it... btw.. i dont feel like there is anything wrong to be rice...