New Member
Hello i have just bought a 94 civic an was wondering if anyone knew some good ways to give her some more power i would really appreciate some advice
Dude....shut up. Each time you post you my iq drops 20 points. Acetone is not 150 octane, since its not used as a conbustable there's no proof to your claim. Every post you've made is makin me believe this magical motor of yours is complete bull s**t....f1 cars put out that much because of millions of dollars spent on research an development into the motor. Most f1 engines are designed greater than 2 liters an range from 8 to 12 cylinders with average HP rating of 700 to 800. You can put what ever bull you want in your tank....its your car to f**k up. Obviously you have no experience in automotive field what so ever.....Acetone is 150 octane and is in some injector cleaners already. Cars will run off anything that burns contrary to popular opinion. Mine runs off alcohol. Do not put more than 2-4 ounces of acetone of it in a full tank. If you get it on your paint , good luck
F1 race cars used turbo charged 1500cc engines that put out 1500 hp and more off paint thinner.
The Germans were able to pull 1500HP out of 1500cc also.
Everybody will argue as to what works. When I was growing up we would listen to all the old guys who won races. Moth balls in the tank is a thing of the past but used to work for a little pick-up.
Start a new in the engine tech section but to answer your question it depends on your overall goal an what you want to do with ithey everyone im new to this site and a new honda owner.. ive had a 92 civic hb before with a d1b vtec and sold for 800 bucks i have a 92 civic si hb with a d16z6 in it but i think theres something wrong wid it.. im thinkin of either doin a swapp cus the motor thats in it has a lil knock in it and even the smaller things worrie me.. wat would be best to just do a full rebuild of that motor or do a swapp whatever is cheapest.. for right now i want to have a reliable daily but still ok in power.. my old d15b vtec was faster than this.. can anyone help me out please i would really appreciate it...
SOURCE::, or petrol, is a petroleum-derived liquid mixture which is primarily used as a fuel in internal combustion engines. It is also used as a solvent, mainly known for its ability to dilute paints. It consists mostly of aliphatic hydrocarbons obtained by the fractional distillation of petroleum, enhanced with iso-octane or the aromatic hydrocarbons toluene and benzene to increase its octane rating. Small quantities of various additives are common, for purposes such as tuning engine performance or reducing harmful exhaust emissions.