Nepalese Hostages Execution Video From Iraq *Very Graphic*


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Iraqi Terrorists Killing Innocent Nepalese Hostages Who Went to Iraq to help rebuild schools and help with
aid for the Iraqi government. I personally am very upset of what is going on in the world, look at what happend in russian those chechen bastards 10 of them being of ARAB origin killed over 323 kids and injured
over 800 people, How f*cking retarted do you have to be to go after kids I can understand adults but not children from ages 6-14. Those kids had nothing to do with the chechen war and also those Muslim bastards have no balls, All they can do is go After Children and innocent civilians but they have no f*cking balls to go after soldiers because they know they will get thier ass handed to em.

Next time I see a Muslim Bastard he is gonna get an ass whooping!


might have to copy link into windows media player! or put up into address bar

PLZ post your replys!


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damn.. this shits wrong.. just wrong..


At work CC user
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That made my pizza taste sooo much better


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I'm not gonna watch the video simply because I dont want to see anybody get killed but this type of s**t needs to stop happening.


love unicorns
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apme123 said:
Iraqi Terrorists Killing Innocent Nepalese Hostages Who Went to Iraq to help rebuild schools and help with
aid for the Iraqi government. I personally am very upset of what is going on in the world, look at what happend in russian those chechen bastards 10 of them being of ARAB origin killed over 323 kids and injured
over 800 people, How f*cking retarted do you have to be to go after kids I can understand adults but not children from ages 6-14. Those kids had nothing to do with the chechen war and also those Muslim bastards have no balls, All they can do is go After Children and innocent civilians but they have no f*cking balls to go after soldiers because they know they will get thier ass handed to em.

Next time I see a Muslim Bastard he is gonna get an ass whooping!


might have to copy link into windows media player! or put up into address bar

PLZ post your replys!
sorry dude but someone has got to say it. "muslim bastard" thats a bit harsh dont you think? you just put every muslim in the same catagory as the ones involved in this chechen deal just a bit stereotypical. thats like saying all white people hang black people and burn crosses. just a bit preposterous.


Jack Load
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People know the risk of going over there and trying to help out thats cool and all but I wouldnt help out its not worth all the money in the world to go over there and do somethings, thats just my :twocents: =)


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the vid sounds to graphic for not gonan dl it..but i do wanna say HOW THE f**k CAN THEY KILL f**kEN 323 KIDS! GOD WILL BE THE JUDGE FOR THOSE BASTARDS!! f**kEN RETARDED HOMO's. s**t if I was up there I'd probably start killing people left to right cause I'd feel so soooooooooo unsafe!


Stickin it to the Man
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so this is happening because the US went to iraq right? i dont understand any of this. children getting killed for no reason, terrorism is the most cowardly way to make yourself heard. stupid f**king assholes.

ps. i didnt download the vid either.


SubGenius Member
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The Madrid crap can only work so many times. Bombing and killing Spainiards worked and Spain withdrew from the Iraq occupation. But eventually they are going to bomb and/or kidnap and kill the wrong motherfuckers and US and UK will seem very benevolent by comparison.

I won't watch.


Is Black Again??? :shock:
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damn..... thats all i can say.. I had to close the window, I can see gun shots but knives are just too much to view. For me at least


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this s**t is f**king sick...........not at like movie s**t.....i guess cause you realize it is really happening.


What Type-R u?
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in utter shock.............both methods of killing are just plain wrong.........


sTEalth MOde
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mang after reading everyone's post I rather not watch the vid mang. I watch the last one where the guy got beheaded and that stay in my mind for days. I just don't want to images in my head. As a christian all I can do is pray for those terrorists,the victims, and their families for the mercy of my God,Jesus,& the Holy spirit. Some of you might be thinking why does God allow all of this to happen? Well the answer is that God does not treat people like robots and force them to do things or stop them from doing things. Every human as the freedom of choice, Man by nature is bad and carnal. If you fuel the carnal & the bad in you will give fruits accordingly. If you fuel your spirit with the word of God and rightous things, your fruits will be accordingly. Jesus said if you obey my teaching you will know the truth and the truth shall make you free. John 8:31-35 FRee of what? Free of our sinful nature.


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Muslim bastards, im with apme just off anger but thats bs, those middle east towl heads know nothing but war war war ..........they arnt human but rather another race that sucks the good out of common people and places damn their ignorance !!!!


BigRed is Dead
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btw the video iz really sick.....NOT RECOMMENDED FOR THOSE WITH WEAK STOMACHS!
this should be in VIP!


down-under boy
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:angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire :angryfire i am not watching this video simply on moral....the bastards who do this sickening crap want us to watch these videos so we are intimidated. I will not watch it becuase i will not lower to that s**t. I have many muslim friends, all of which are also in disgust at the horror happening around the world so please do not lower ureself to wat they want u to percieve the world. I will agree there are many stupid muslim f**ks who have no concern in taking part in hostage killings and bombims etc. keep in mind most countries government have done outrages things which lead to the crisises happening. on a final note, how in any religon this can be praised i will never understand.
may the people who do this s**t live painful and shitful lives

ohh and yes although i did not watch this bullshit it should be VIP or simply erased....
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Luv my labbie
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I work in the medical field and blood normally doesn't gross me out. But seeing the pictures of the beheading just made me sick to my stomach. I won't even watch the video.

I hope we find those bastards and behead them too. :x
