loccusst said:
I will admit the U.S. needs to rethink they way our political system thinks. Unfortunately this klind of evil stuff will not stop. Killing inocent kids and people in a school because you want to terrorize and strike fear into the world is differant than the innocent who die during a war in the country where the war is happening. Or is it.......
OK true, but who starts all these unnessecary wars in the first place? The reasons your government is trying to give you are completely criminal. But as I said the people of America can't help the way they are thinking right now because they got completely brainwashed by fear and wrong information. The media are in the government's hands and that is a very strong weapon. It has always been so in any dictatorship.
.[/QUOTE]This is a new war for some people cause there are no boundaries for the fighting. Terrorism can happen anywhere because the people who inflict the terror are blinded by insane beliefs and cowardice. Do you think any of them would actually go and fight one on one like how wars were originally fought...man to man on a battlefield? No, they are to chicken. If their victims were not tied up or helpless civilians these bastards would not do what they do.[/QUOTE]
Fighting with the most advanced weapons in the world against an army of kalashnikovs isn't really an act of heroism either is it? The only thing these people are blinded by is desperance and anger feeded by, indeed, the American policy all over the world.
.[/QUOTE]Do you think 9/11 would have happened if everyone on the planes carried a gun like in the wild west days and were not defensless? Maybe.....I don't know. I see these terroists as a cancer in the world that may never go away unless we try to erradicate them by sacrificing some innocents in the area of the cancer or where ever it spreads. This is the only way these people know how to fight a war and untill we start to take it seriously by figuring out how to protect ourselves and quite using it as an excuse to march into countries we will never gain any headway. We may also have to start sacrificing some of our beloved privaledges that make us so vulnerable. This video just pisses me off, sorry for the rant.[/QUOTE]
You are not eradicating anything and most certainly not terrorism, you are feeding it right now by spreading hatred in these peoples hearts.
Why is the US hated all over the world right now? There must be a reason, right? You have to look one step further now. These people weren't born with "anti-USA" genes. But hey, at least oil -, weapon-, and buildingindustry is doing well.
Well, i hope the best for the American people because I know they are most certainly not to blame. You are very good and friendly people, too bad you are beingig kept norant as well.