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Good ole Ricegate... That's where I currently work and grew up about 5 minutes from there. Did you ever go to the meets downtown at the "Bumspot?"this is how the meets use to go down
Monday-RiceKiller meets at Fridays in West Chester
Thursday- BW3's or best buy meet near tri-county mall, usually after Edgewater Test N Tune---->now Thursday Night Lights at Edgewater
Friday-Middletown on briel near AK steel, usually kicked out and ajourn to The shut down old country buffet off Cin-day Road
Saturday- Bum spot or Middletown, was pick your poison at that point.
Then the random Eastgate (aka ricegate) meets or way out in Harrison
Middletown meets sometimes lead to a cruise up to dayton mall
From what my friends are telling me there is a huge meet at Northgate mall now on Thursdays
In a nutshell......cincy is always crackin