New here with eg6 and a Awd ferio


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Cali's got some SICK! rides manl. yea i took a second look. lol not just that, but seriously, alot of sick cars in cali.


EJ6 Powderpuff
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
BUTTERFACE!!!! But the cars are nice!!! :thumbs up


New Member
i do have more of the said amazing ass from the show if need posted up , oh and of the hott body winner from the show as well .

an thanks again guys , if anyone has any kind of info on the awd civics i welcome it since i realy dont know much about them


EJ6 Powderpuff
Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
well post em up then!! lol i dont know jack about AWD civic since i dont own one lol


Bustin windows outcha car
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5+ Year Member
damn...u have some nice cars sir :thumbs up


Registered VIP
5+ Year Member
i dono what import face off you went to but the one i went to in Florida didn't have fine ASS !!
