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Hi all. I'm new here but not new to Hondas. Have owned mostly Hondas since the 90's -except when I had to buy another make until I found another Honda. Just bought a '98 Civic LX with 230,000 KMs (143000 miles) and looking forward to taking care of it and keeping it for as long as I can -unless I find a nicer one for a good price. I think Civics are some of the best looking cars out there, that's to say nothing about the fact that they're some of the MOST reliable, most economical cars too, which is why I keep buying them especially with gas prices being as high as they are now. I don't know but I think I'll always be buying Civics. To me, a car is just a car but it doesn't hurt if the car has the looks, reliability and economy, and of course a moderate price, and what better car can you think of that offers all of the above other than a Civic? =)


I had a Civic once.
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:welcome: man!

I agree Civic's are one of the most reliable cars out there, especially if treated nicely!

Post up some pics of your car! Any mods / plans?
