i know what it is obviosuly someone cant take a joke
i still firmly believe that if you cant tell where the front of your car is where you are parking it, you should take your drivers lisence back to the kmart blue light special where you got it
dont let the door hit you on the way out if you cant take some criticism, im sure the guys at hater-tech will love your car which IMO looked MUCH better in the last couple of photoshoots i saw.
that was funny, sorry.
Yeah, i REALLY need help parking. Yep, thats exactly why i got it!
even though you quoted exactly WHY I got it.
he cant hear the radio that well so he went to extend it, kool s**t
what was wrong with your roof radio antenna? The bumper one just looks dumb
No it wasnt criticism, it was retarded un-educated posts.
Antenna? Bumper antenna? please..
and you, yes, you knew what it was in the first place. So thank you for that.
But dont "laugh" that its on the wong side. I dont use the f**king thing, its just one of those funny add ons..
Anyway, im done with this conversation. Keep your jackass comments to yourself sometimes, this is MY car, not yours, and if you see something you dont know WTF it is? Why not just ask...rather than assume?
But, its clubcivic.com I guess..turning into the next HT with some of the f**kers on here. So a big
to you guys for making CC into another typical hater forum.