Small upgrade and update for you guys
Most recent addition:
Neuspeed 19mm Rear SwayBar
Review: I have to admit when i placed my order I was kind of skeptical about how much, if any difference it would make. It took a while to get here cause it was a special order part (Thanks to Justin aka JayJay for the hook up). Came before Christmas, but I just got around to installing it today, with the help of a friend of course. Took less than a hour to install, not counting the time it took to run and get a new sway link because the hex part out of the right side. Install was a snap, which again worried me that I would be let down by the results.... But once I took it for a drive, I was sold, the time i spent waiting for it finally paid off. The rear is a lot more stable now, and predictable in hard corners. Body roll was greatly reduced, and it feels a lot better, stiffer and the rear tracks so much better than before. Overall Im more than pleases with the results, I'll give an update after a few weeks of trying it out, hopefully the snow wont be too bad...
Cliffnotes: Sway bar FTW, makes it feel less like a 3000+lb car...
On with the pics:
Other random news: No more yellow lights, one burnt out so i ditched em, I was strapped for cash so i went with 2 sets of GE Nighthawks on a suggestion of a friend, and did the classic 9005 conversion for the low beams, great output and visiblity.
Coming soon: new tires for winter... and maybe foggies