lol, wow. ok, well Ian, I know that teens and early 20's do often think they know everything. but gotta admit some of these guys do know a few things. certainly more than me. But I agree with Hardcore 97, it is becoming a more popular swap. at least enough to get people talking about it. I work with a guy that put one in an integra and he said it was harder than he expected, but wasn't the most difficult project. I am considering the k20a as well, JDM offers one with 220 hp not bad for a 4banger. but costly. just the engine and tranny was running around 5,000.00 not including costs of swapping it in. I'm not just going to go buy the J32 without finding a good shop that can help me get it in the right way. And if the Costs are going to be far beyond what it'll cost for a good k20 or h22 plus swap costs, then I'll probably go for the other options. The added weight from the Jswap will be beneficial for the track, and of course I'll beaf up the suspension up front a little more to improve the handling. If I do go for the Jswap. JDM's K20a is a good looking engine, and 220 is decent for a civic. but hecs does have a point, if I go with the J32 I'll probably go more than 400hp. that's just my goal. at least 400. I've always been competitive when I build anything. I want the best, biggest, baddest I can get...within reason. It'll be a few more months before I put the swap in, I"m buying a house and I'm hoping to put at least 20,000 down on it, so gotta save for that. And Forcdincivic, I am not that insanely worried about the gas, you're right, lol. But I doubt I'll push it to 900hp. unless I start racing it seriously there's no point.