
Tall Steve

New Member
Hello, my name is Steve, and I just purchased a new 2015 Si coupe for my son. I don't have pics yet because we don't pick it up until Friday. He is going to be surprised because I told him we could not get it because of the insurance being to high, but I lied..:D

I come from a 4X4 background and know nothing about Civics so here I am looking for advise. I don't want to do a lot of mods but would like info on what to do and not to do. If owning and modifying a Civic is like my Jeep my son and I are in trouble!

So, let me hear what you have to say about what we should do and not do...


I had a Civic once.
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:welcome: to ClubCivic!

Your son will definitely be happy, that's for sure. There's a lot you can do to these cars, and that will only increase over time. It really depends on what you're looking to do.. performance mods? style mods? If you're looking for something simply and clean, I suggest slightly lowering the car to start. Maybe some window tint and LED upgrades. Performance wise, unless you're looking for large power gains, you could probably just upgrade some bolt-ons (header, intake, exhaust) and then get FlashPro and do a little tuning for a little extra power.

In short, since everyone's tastes are different... collaborate with your son and build what you guys think looks the best :thumbs up

Tall Steve

New Member
Thanks for the info, I don't know yet what we are going to do or to what extent but I know from past experience with my jeep to go slow hang around and read before we jump into anything to quickly. I got to test drive a 2014 and fell in love with the car! I'm as excited as I know my son will be.


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Keep in mind that with it being a 2015, if it doesn't have support from the last generation of aftermarket parts, it will be scarce for a while.
