

Mopar Muscle
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My friend owns a 1979 Impala with a 350 in it, few things beat him up to 60. But a Sunfire with a million shot of nitrous did - do you understand how demoralizing it is to be beaten by a Sunfire? I deplore the use of Nitrous for the above reason.


boost fiend
5+ Year Member
10+ Year Member
Well, since your gettin a new engine why not blow it up in style. Wet nitrous goes straight into intake manifold. Uses four hoses one for each inlet port. IF you choose to go this route, you will get more power. However with out a compatable fule pump and air intake, it will be useless. To burn this nitrous your gonna need more fuel and air to make a correct combustion. Dry nitrous plugs into your intake using one hose. Generaly gettin a 40 - 75 hp gain. (50 is ideal) you dont necesarily need a new fuel pump for this route, and if you getting a new engine, do dry. Its less work and still fun.


security at its finest
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awesome carlip, power to tha boosted ek's!
