NRA vs Obama thread


#1 a*****e
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There aren't enough smart criminals that we'd see a spike in bomb/chemical warfare. You're paranoid if you think that.

As far as getting out...If someone breaks into my residence, I'm not leaving. They are. It's happened before and I'm sure it will again. I lost all my possessions in 2006 when my house was burgled. It's my home, I don't have any issue defending it...And no, not all material things can be replaced...Unless you want to explain that to my mother who last 100+ year old jewelry passed down from generations of family. Or her modeling portfolio from the late 80s that was before digital days. But yeah. You're right. Material possessions can replaced. I'll advise my wife to run away if someone breaks into our a house rather than protecting her family heirlooms. :roll:

On that note. I've said my piece in this thread about my opinion and don't want to start a flame war. So I'm outtie after this one to avoid getting more infractions added to my account. :lol: Can already tell that points are being argued/yelled about on emotion rather than trying to prove points with reasoning and/or facts.
i think you're being obtuse. Is it deliberate?

so your reasons for staying inside the house and possibly dying are to protect objects? I'm sure losing those objects you lost sucked but i would imagine your mother would rather lose objects than a family member. you still have your memories you can pass those on.


That D series Guy
5+ Year Member

To the OP - you effectively said a weapon is a weapon, and all of them are dangerous, regardless of magazine size.. So why do you need a large magazine? The magazine size limit is being proposed to reduce the ease of mass killings, not for a simple one on one defense situation (If you need more than 10 rounds to take one person down, you need to be spending more time at the range).
I do not NEED a larger magazine. My g19 came with a 15 round magazine. My concern is that grandfathering in my magazines doesn't seem to be the rout they are taking. To effectively get rid of high cap magazines, confiscation would need to take place. Magazines don't just fall apart, they circulate. There are so many out there that a simple grandfathered in band makes no sense. I have done nothing wrong, and do not deserve anything confiscated.
More range time helps me in areas of base accuracy breathing control trigger control and other base muscle moments. It doesn't account for adrenaline, presentation while being attacked and things like that. Everything you know about shooting COULD go out the window as people are all different. Our brains are wired 2 ways "fight, flight" The attacker is there for 1 purpose "fight" I may need 15 bullets under pressure to flee a situation safely.
It goes both ways. If they can fit 15 rounds in a magazine, and it does not extend from the grip then why not? Why eliminate the extra space. I can honestly say that i feel safer knowing that i have half an extra mag
inside my current mag when my wifes life could be involved. I dont want to pull that trigger and have the slide lock back to see i needed 11 not 10.

Thank you for the response


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I don't see the point in banning larger magazines. People will just start getting a mag belt and loading up. Just a little pricier.

I'm in the process of getting my CCW permit and a S&W M&P with a trigger job.


That D series Guy
5+ Year Member
As a gun owner, I'm all for universal background checks (gun show or otherwise), 10 round clip limits (sorry guys, I personally don't need more than one or two rounds to take down a target if I need to), and banning easily modifiable, semi-automatic rifles to prevent certain varieties of criminal from obtaining it and making it into an automatic. I don't care if they have or have not been used in past anythings. If my youngest sibling can go on the internet on her iPod with a pre-paid credit card from Christmas time and have access to those modifications, anyone can.

Unlike most gun owners though, it wouldn't hurt my feelings if all guns were banned either. Granted, yes, at first there would be a higher incidence of violence without response because of black market criminal activities vs. a porous citizen militia, but it would go away very quickly and vastly increase the safety of our society. If you want to rob me, break into my house, etc., you better be willing to get into an ordeal with a very large man. That takes a the edge away from a lot of other crimes as well you see, less and less 'stick ups' or gunpoint robberies, stupid discharge accidents, and fit of rage outbursts.

'Boo hoo, my guns' is all I hear these days. The only arguments I ever hear are 'it's my god given right' (open to interpretation still btw) or if they take our guns, criminals will still find them somehow. Pretty sure the correlation would go similarly to what I said in the last paragraph though. No guns, crimes still committed, guns/criminals imprisoned/confiscated, less of each, and so on.

To say I speak from experience would be an understatement. In a TL;DR version of my childhood, my father was a methamphetamine dealer/user and got us into many of troubling situations. The most vivid being the one where I was pulled out of the truck out on the bank of a local river, pushed to my knees, then having a pistol placed into the back of my head for at least 5minutes. I will never forget that day nor will I ever forget the rage it built up in me for people to stop being so sissified that they need to use guns to get their way. What ever happened to the d**k swinging contest that didn't get you killed? No more fistfights, shot competitions, arm wrestling, nothing. Everyone is so afraid that the guy that just brake checked them is gonna pull out a pistol and pop 'em at the next light in this country. If there is any handout this government needs to start making again it's that of giving people a backbone again. Everyone screams until they see who's the loudest now instead of sitting back and actually using logical thinking. No one every analyzes the ridiculous conditions of prison that make minor criminals major ones on release. Or the negative effects that the Drug War has had on the violence in our country. Nope. Everyone is so worried over each others doings/sayings and never about what they need to do to make this world better. I can tell you that less guns and more confidence should be towards the top of that list.

I also love hunting. Guess what though? I can still hunt with a bow, with traps (certain states, assumably more if there were no/less guns), and with other utilities as well. Actually makes it more of a sport and less of a hobby that way.
I DO respect you opinion and thank you for the response.
In England they have banned guns. And are now in the process of modifying the edges and tips of knifes due the the insane amount of mass stabbings.( found link see bellow) The banning of guns will not fix the problems our country faces. In my little town here (well we moved but it has the only Walmart so we go there often") We have people stabbing other people outside Walmart...... people have turned into monsters. "open interpretation" Is one of the problems in this country. Its just like burning your mouth on coffee and suing dunkin for it. The powers that be assume people are smart enough to figure out hot coffee will be hot. Then an issue arises and because it was not posted on the cup, dunkin is sued. Same with mcds, playstation, and yes the 2nd amendment. The second amendment was CLEAR AS CRYSTAL back then, But NOW is open for debate.......ill try another example. I tell my child " don't throw the ball in the house or you will break somthin" He starts kicking the ball and breaks somthing. Do i take a knee and say" im sorry son i didn't make myself clear, here is a list saying exactally what you cant do with the ball... that's a good lad" HELL NO! Spanking and sit in the corner. I as a child knew this, as i would hope most people do.

This country picks everything apart so much that it acts like a little child. Its embarrassing. Common sense and morals die where a smooth talking man with big words and a good lawyer are shouldn't be that way.



That D series Guy
5+ Year Member
They should like....ban murder or something also!! That'll keep that from happening. Your welcome.
Yes. And water.....less drownings. Also did you know 100% of people that drink water will die????? Thats wayyyyyyy more dangerous than murder


gt CasaNova
Registered VIP
I think that it's funny you assume I even pay attention to the media. I don't own a TV nor do I have cable. I don't have a newspaper subscription nor any magazines. I'm unsure how this liberal media has corrupted me as you say.

I would actually assume it's more things like peoples inability to use correct punctuation or spelling. This is also known as the educational system. If you want to point fingers at something, point it there, or at least back at yourself. You're perpetuating these non-sensical reasons for what you think is your right and like I've said in earlier posts, are trying to 'yell the loudest' (or in your case, use the most profane language) to get your point across. Engage us reasonable gun owners with a logical debate and you might actually get somewhere.

Or continue with the rants and such while rights you REALLY don't want taken away slowly get pilfered by the elite/corporatists in the Public and Private sectors.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying I support a full gun ban. As a psychologist, and I'm sure you can relate a little Joe, I find that removing the tool of destruction is a behavior that needs modification. Would I run around screaming for guns to get taken away? Not at all. Would I care if I got an email one day saying a 'gun ban' was going into effect and the local PD or what have you is collecting and melting down these weapons? Not really, no. I live in the current reality and don't perpetuate a desired reality. If it changed though, I wouldn't have an issue. I have bigger fish to fry and larger problems in government that need attention paid to.
First I never stated that you were affected. Despite having no form of new s from paper or electronic sources I would assume that you have social contact with people who may have at some point spoken their thoughts on a subject as we are doing now.
The educational system is far greater now than it was lets say back in the 30's. Was their an extreme case of murder rate like their are now back during those times? The answer is no. Man kind has been at each others throat since Cain and Able. Yet again you go back to reasoning. It is not your call or judgment or what i consider bullshit that your physiological educational background proclaims that your word is better than mine. Their should be no reason to debate over this topic. Yet again this refers back to how society has changed. Your demeanor of just accepting that this ban may become fate in my mind is a disgrace to all former veterans who have paid with time and loss to keep this country from losing our rights. Your picking and choosing what to accept. Now then for my grammar on here. Im typing all of this on my slow pos phone. I very seldom care about punctuation, spelling, or grammar on here. Im not the grammar nazi patrol so I have 0 cares if its wrong in sections. With your psychological background you should also know that your mind can read something that is wrong but yet still allows you to read it correctly.
