nsx blows up on dyno


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I dont think its the shops problem. If it blown up there, it woulda blown up on the streets.

Doesnt it feel like forever watching the video with no speakers? Im at work and i cant have speakers. I actually heard an imaginary "boom" when I was watching it.


Where you at?
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theres a Supra and a Skyline Dyno video thats out, that is loud as well hehe. But that Skyline, that s**t was loooud.


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but if that place is notorious for blowing lots of motors, it is probably their fault. MAybe he over revved that s**t cuz he keeps at it loooooooong after you hear Vtec engage.


Destination Undefined
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:shock: ouch.. goddamn i never realized how badass vtec was! :shock:


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Can you imagine being in the waiting room or lets say you asked to borrow their bathroom....then all of a sudden you hear a loud boooom!!.


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would the ppl have to pay for that or would it be just tough s**t for the owner


the white hatch
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f**k, that would suck ass


Experienced Noob
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I would be soooooo pissed if it was my car and those guys blew the motor. I'm thinking we would be looking at a multiple homoside.


Exit Speed Garage
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[civic] said:
I dont think its the shops problem. If it blown up there, it woulda blown up on the streets.

Doesnt it feel like forever watching the video with no speakers? Im at work and i cant have speakers. I actually heard an imaginary "boom" when I was watching it.
haha, i dont have sound at my work either....i will imagine it too
