yo night crew. booze that is f**ked up. i just got back from a night that almost led to drinkin. had a 40 of old english which sucks but it was cheap. we went to this party(not a party) where they played halo2 online. 4 of them all got ass raped by this one guy final score was 50 to 4. this guys room we;re in, ended up being one of my managers, had this colgne bottle that sriously looked like a butt plug. he wasn;t too pleased when we told him that then one of my friends sprayed me with it. i f**king reak of s**t right now. left shitty party walked to my friends house. 40 in pocket. smoked the hookah for 2 hours took some huge hits off of it which will f**k you up for a bit. got home changed closer and washed out with some listerine. yep