IM going to bed.. i got my weekends back!
Im high as FOOK and drunk since i got home...
Im high as FOOK and drunk since i got home...
yes i was drunk at 9am this morning. i passed out on a table soon after this.itsmycookie said:W)00t i am fdrink and awake four some sreason, i have a bottle of 100proof vodka and some mikes and a bunch a bbeer yhen i drobeve home a couple hours later but i; am msitill buzzing and can;t type fuuro ba;;llls. hueeyeah!
man that shuttle thing willbe oik but i saw building implode a week afo go in person. that was the s**t alstrhtough i wish yhr htythyeeyweould havre exploded therat would thave beebn coolers
ok weklk i mamam stuill uop
well see i was drinking that morning like from 1am - 4am then everyone left so i slept on this chair but i got cold so i drove back here. realized i couldn;t bring my alchohol inside so i just sat out in my car and finished off the rest of my vodka(like 1/2bottle). i almost hit someone on my way home. i was drunk. fell asleep soon after posting rand0mly over the site. i never broke the seal and i only had eaten lunch that day so. meh. CC got the soft end of my drunkin ness. i left about 30 messages all 5+ minutes long on peoples phone and did rand0m drunk s**t like that.MySiIzFaster said:damn cookie WTF were u drinking for that late/early?
damn dude, watch that D n Driving s**t.....itsmycookie said:well see i was drinking that morning like from 1am - 4am then everyone left so i slept on this chair but i got cold so i drove back here. realized i couldn;t bring my alchohol inside so i just sat out in my car and finished off the rest of my vodka(like 1/2bottle). i almost hit someone on my way home. i was drunk. fell asleep soon after posting rand0mly over the site. i never broke the seal and i only had eaten lunch that day so. meh. CC got the soft end of my drunkin ness. i left about 30 messages all 5+ minutes long on peoples phone and did rand0m drunk s**t like that.