i almost hit a possum on the highway today, scary. then i went to denny's and had some cig's and watched drop dead fred with some friends....now im just chilling with some french bread watching Blade on TV
well they offered me .90 and thats a s**t raise... so I refused and gave them a different %. I wanted to ask MY CURRENT boss (different than the one im in salary negotiations with) about it and thats when he said he was PISSED. He said he put his ass on the line for me (pushing for me to get the job) and said it makes him look like an ass (which I dont get at all) what am I misssing?anfrey said:WTF? that's some bullshit bro. first they want u to take on higher tasks without higher pay... and now he's getting mad at u for requesting a raise?! that is f**king BULL.
thats the thing though, he has nothing to do with my salary... not even asuggestion. its all handed down from HR... so I jsut dont get it......anfrey said:well, i guess he pushed for you to get the position and minimal raise... but maybe he should've run it past you first.... basically he was trying to be a nie guy and it blew up in his face because he didn't really ask the person in question (you). he made an assumption, and we all know assuming leads to f**kups. that's why i don't ASSUME. it makes an ASS out fo U and ME
yeah the house.. FOOKEN resposibilities now.... lolanfrey said:haha you know that IS the best way, but there is so much to put on the line when starting a business... you won't see returns til 5 years from now and that can be harsh with family and house to think about.
it is sad that it has to be like that, but that's what happens when HR is stingy .... the easiest way to cut costs and raise profits is to start from within... labor is usually the first to get the slash