my night was interesting. TONS of people were out because some dumbass kid has been talking s**t for a week straight about how his TSi Talon will destroy everyone and he hasn't lost.
I got involved in it, mouthed off to him a ton because he's a dumbass, and just told him I hope he died and stuff, LOL.
SO.. FINALLY.... like 1 am rolls around. Our group is split up, and me and another friend have 2 cars, 5 people, we kinda just wanted to see this one race so we followed everyone around.
The guy with the 1g Talon TSi who talked s**t is in a lot, the guy he challenged for 100 bucks that EVERYONE wanted to see is basically OWNING him verballing, telling him what he has done to car, what its capable of, etc.
It was a 1g Talon, stock sidemount with a T25 or something, no one cares, it was tuned wrong, f**king shitty as hell, and ran like s**t. They finally ended up racing, and my friends 2g Talon (who had accepted the $100 bet) beat him by about... i'd say 25-30 car lengths.. WITHOUT his nitrous.
Yeah. It was interesting, yet sucky. They have me on video making fun of the kid though, and walking up to his car with engine bay popped, and going "direct port nitrous, standalone fuel management... not a bad way to spend 10 thousand dollars"
Then we went to my friend Matt's apartment and antiqued him with 3 people throwing flour. PWNT.