ClemsonCiv said:
Yea i guess youre right...sorry to hear about you gettin played i know how that feels
nah this is something i doubt happen to anyone else.. i messed with this girl a year or 2 back only got semi head. we was talkin she was shy outa nowhere she was like ohh f**k it comeon she started riding my leg and said she wanted to give me head pulled it out and shes like u gotta condom i said yeah put it on and she was like oh just take it off " i was thinkin i was gettin lucky without the condom " so she walks away after im all hard and happy,
i just started talking to her again we did about the same she was tellin me how she wanted me 2 hit it, havnt talked to her in acouple days called her last night shes like im sleepin call 2morrow i call 2day and she changed her number.. sucks ass becuz i really wanted to smash