some shots from tonight's action.
unloading on vael, who, even though starts the fight at only 30%hp is incredibly difficult due to the horrific debuff dot he gives. it is nice that you get unlimited mana, rage, energy for the whole fight.
got issued a "harassment warning" because i said "pimpslap yo ass b***h" in bwl general chat and some faggot reported me. oh well.
afterwards, we decided to kill the only dragon that was left after horde killed the other 3, lethon.
unloading on vael, who, even though starts the fight at only 30%hp is incredibly difficult due to the horrific debuff dot he gives. it is nice that you get unlimited mana, rage, energy for the whole fight.
got issued a "harassment warning" because i said "pimpslap yo ass b***h" in bwl general chat and some faggot reported me. oh well.
afterwards, we decided to kill the only dragon that was left after horde killed the other 3, lethon.