Official WoW (world of warcraft) thread


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You should give it a try, its pretty fun. Im a nerd too i guess. My uncle got me into magic the gathering, its a fun card game. but i bmx bike so that evens out the nerd ratio
You played MTG? That is uber nerd. Nothing will ever even that out. You will always be a nerd.



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Your an Asian playing WoW :P just joking. Lol

Honestly I thought Magic was really dumb when I first got into it. But when your waiting at an airport for X amount of hours with a friend or theirs nothing to just whip out the cards. I usually bring a deck or 2 everytime I go to a friends house. In case boredom strikes.


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Of course I'm a nerd. I tell my girlfriend this whenever she calls me a nerd....

-I've been playing video games since I was 3 years old
-I love fantasy and science fiction
-I play WoW
-I'm currently pursuing my Ph D in Simulation
-I just used the word "pursue".

I've come to terms with it.

John - yea, the difference between having a full set of pvp and only a couple pieces is huge. I'm almost full ruthless now. Only like 3100 more conquest points.


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Joe, I'm still waiting for one of your posts to one day say, "I FINALLY GOT THE f***ING MOUNT" :lol:.

And I don't think some people realize... For those of us that have been playing video games for the majority of our lives, it's one of the things that is engraved in us. At least for me. It's very hard to just get up and walk away from games. It's one of the few things I have constantly known almost my entire life. You can't just expect me to quit out of the blue. It's an addiction. Just like smoking.


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John - yep.. you hit the nail on the head. My girlfriend and I at some disagreements when I first started dating her.. mainly about me playing video games all the time. We had a talk and I told her flat out.. that it's a part of me. It's not something that would be changing anytime soon. It's something she had to understand about me in order for our relationship to progress. Like you said, it becomes engraved in yourself.

Tree - I think you get your first mount at 30? maybe 40? Don't remember... and yes, you can have a mount and a pet out at the same time. So you'll be riding your mount while a pet follows you.


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haha. Obviously I was just teasing you guys... secretly I'm just a little jealous I don't have the time to play videogames anymore.

I'm waiting for the technological singularity to hurry up and occur so I don't feel left out anymore. My hay-day was during the era of Rainbow Six 3. I was among a few of elite xbox live players and spent many hours in matches... ahhh those were the days. I hate you guys.


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I ran across a mount trainer today and once you hit level 20 its only 1 gold and a hand few of silver to train for it.


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Things used to be so much more expensive.. I remember when getting your dual talent spec was 1000G... now it's like 40G. lol

Mr. Jollypants

Mr. f**king Jollypants
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Sold a stack of Obsidium Ore for 240G. Not bad for collecting it as I was exploring Hyjal


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Still camping Aeonaxx..


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lmao Joe.

I'm almost to 100k gold. I haven't farmed in a couple of weeks. I've been working on gearing my toons for once. Donated VP bracers to my guild bank since a lot of people are undergeared and are trying to get into core groups for guild raids....figured I'd help out. I'm always helping my guild out.


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I'm having an auction house drought. I've barely sold anything all week. I don't know what's up... if somebody is auction sniping me or what... but nothing is selling. So strange.


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damn Aeonaxx spawn-sharing bat spawned today :(


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That blows. I've been bg farming on my 84 shaman. Almost 50%. This is fun! I hate losing though. 5 straight bg's the alliance lost.
