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I wanted to use P90X, but I didn't have the equipment, so I picked up Insanity. I feel Like I have better energy now and can do more things. P90X sounds really good though.
I bought Insanity about 3 months ago. I tried it once and was so sore for the next week that I haven't had the courage to try it again. How do you like it?


5+ Year Member
I agree with just about everyone else.
P90X works.
It'll beat the s**t out of you for the first month, but after that you'll get relatively used to it.
And the results are amazing.
I was fat and weak but even after a month and a half I was in shape far beyond anything I thought I could ever attain.
you just have to stay committed and really want it.

P90X ftw! :lol:


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i just got it. so when i can actually move without fear of my skin falling off (massive memorial day weekend sunburn) ill give it a test.
