Parish is back... The big blue truck!!!

Genuine Rolla

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freaking red hot.....thats crazy......o my gosh....


death's just death
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DXpowR said:
Ya im on GMFullsize forums too and ive seen a ton of his vids. That truck is f-n sick. The last time i saw him he got be by an eclipse. :shock:
Yeah, that was a low setting. The truck is insane, but that Eclipse is f**king nice, and seeing that the kid who built it is barely 18, and a high school student, it's badass. I talk to him, he's cool as s**t.

here's some pictures I've taken of it



Formally DXpowR
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I wasnt attackin on the truck at all...i knew it was a low settin i just was laughin cuz the thread name on GMFullsize was "Parish finally a ricer!!" I thought it was funny. Your right.. that GSX was no f-n joke.
