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i don't think those fogs look good on the s2000, they make it look cheaper or something since you're putting civic foglights on it. but whatever


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snozepp147 said:
i don't think those fogs look good on the s2000, they make it look cheaper or something since you're putting civic foglights on it. but whatever
they look good and fit good 2 me...but thats just me...he painted the housing of them the same color of his car 2


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snozepp147 said:
i don't think those fogs look good on the s2000, they make it look cheaper or something since you're putting civic foglights on it. but whatever

Your right, they dont flow at all. OP quit double posting/posting unnecessary posts, its annoying.


Rice 4 Life
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Quality of the pics if horrible


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i was expecting to see a B18 in that gold hatchy, but at least its painted clean and done right
