So, I bought an 01 civic last week, looking to of some things here and there on it, not to much. But, I was curious as to where everyone buys there parts from. Any good websites, or stores I should check out in the DFW area?
So, I bought an 01 civic last week, looking to of some things here and there on it, not to much. But, I was curious as to where everyone buys there parts from. Any good websites, or stores I should check out in the DFW area? is a good place to go. I've used amazon here and there, ebay on lower dollar items while making sure it doesn't ship from China. Xenocron has some good vendors. Check out the stickies for your car's year subsection on the forum. They should have a DIY/FAQ that lists common upgrades and mods.
It depends on what type of parts you want, really. Definitely check out the ClubCivic store though.. I've purchased a few things from there, and never had any issues