good too bad it's in the garage. Pulling the battery tomorrow. The car is officially in storage for the winter in my g/f's dad's heated garage. I can't even enjoy it lol.Nice man How's it running !?
I bought the car with them on. I'm actually on a mission to make the car a little cleaner. The tails are being replaced soon. Sorry I can't helpwhere did you get the tail light covers? My dad wants something like that for his project car he just bought. I think hes on a mission to rice it out for car shows. Looks good though.
i dont understand any of going to go read about it..xdr3amx said:One reason is the compression ratio is too high it's 11:1. Mst people also prefer forged and stronger pistons and a ration of 8 to 9. I think people get it for a bling factor and they rather not touch it as well. like somthign nice to have and not touch but still a good engine on it' s own.
if you want power boost is the only way,not to mention cheapest.but not on a stock itr.QuickB18 said:On top of that there are people who don't like forced induction because they consider it "cheating". I've gone back and fourth on the whole boost thing and I think I've made up my mind on not. Too much money for me.
^^^that's what I meant. I don't feel the same way per say but I've heard people say it before.xdr3amx said:I have always feel that people who want boost just like going fast and going faster than people. But one who builds a all motor engine loves the mechanicand engineering part of a car. SO in a way people who like boost likes going fast. A person who loves a car goes all motor. Going boost you dont' care if the engine blows you don't care about the engien or car you care about just going fast( this is the person who just takes a stock motor and buys a turbo kit and just put it on) but a person who takes time in building a all motor engine which takes time and more planning is a person who cares about the car and engien and going fast
What the mount? They had to take the stock drivers side ITR mount and fabricate it into something that would fit.xdr3amx said:
Can you tell me why they did this. Never seen this befor, does this shop always do this?
91 octane...haven't looked for any higher around here.What octane do you use in that?
too much, I guess you could say broke lolAlso the public wants to know. How much did this purchase set you back?