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$lick Rick

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dont use spray, not worth it imo. if you've already done the basics (i/h/e) then i'd do cams next and then work on my ignition and fuel delivery systems. with a good tune you'll be able to squeeze some extra hp and better reaction times. and the fuel system upgrades will help if you ever decide to boost


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seze1 said:
Thanx for all replys, I respect everyones opinions. Im leaving the car the way it is now and moving on to engine mods. Is anyone here running a fast d16z6? If so, can you give me some ideas as to what I should do next (other than swap)? I am really shying away from nitrous, would rather stay NA for now. Ive posted this in the NA forum with little replys. All help is greatly appreciated...thanx again! =)
Talk to buzzbombtom, he is running a 95 ex with a JG built up head running N/A. It's still new but he will probably be running some decent times on the N/A D16.


mmmmmm ta ta's
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raw as hatch man !!!! get black rims and that thing will be f**kin sweet. how much was that kit and paint job?
