you dont even have half of my post count... want to buy some of mine.paypal me some $$$ ill sell you half my post count.
with our post counts dont even have half of my post count... want to buy some of mine.
im #3 in post counts lol.haha wow i never even notice the post count. still no idea what silver member does why even worry bout it?
damim #3 in post counts lol.
bwahahahahhahahawith our post counts combined...
i used to be #1 back in the day. over 35k woootim #3 in post counts lol.
lol yeah when all sections posts counted.bwahahahahhahaha
i used to be #1 back in the day. over 35k wooot
I have helped you as much as I can. If you have any further questions, send me a PM and i'll do what I can to clear anything up for you.haha funny guys but the thing is i have posted alot since then but w.e. since everyone is not helpful